More dumb stuff on Reverb this week. And, yes, I get that this is an old man yelling at the clouds moment. Neeways…
There’s a pedal that I have been trolling on Reverb. I want one. For the right price. I’m not paying new prices for a used pedal. Honestly, it’s not that popular of a pedal, and it’s still in production. Also, Josh Scott hasn’t talked about it. So, I would expect that prices on it should be not too crazy.
I’ve been watching them. I’ve also been keeping up with what the product page shows the sales have been the last few months. Most of the used listings that are on Reverb as of this moment are between $150 and $200. Looking at the pedal page, the ones that have been selling have gone for $110 to $130. All the ones that have sold, I’ve just missed. By the time I see the new listings that are reasonable, they’ve already sold.
I decided to try a different approach than usual. I found the 2 lowest priced used listings that said they accepted offers, and I made them an offer.
The first one was $150. I offered $130, which is the high selling price from the last 4 months. It was also the asking price minus shipping and $4. At $150, that’s a total of around 15% off. The seller didn’t counter. They just declined the offer. No muss, no fuss, no worries. It’s all good. They didn’t like the offer.
Then there was the other one. Asking was $155. I made the same offer, $130. Again, my take was that was the highest actual selling price on Reverb in the last 4 months. My thought wasn’t to low-ball the seller. I’m also not paying more than $130 for one because, by the time you add in tax and shipping, it’s going to be somewhere over $150. I’m not looking to negotiate higher. Not that they know that or care. Almost immediately, I got a counter. They dropped from $155 to $153.
Now they probably think I’m a jerk and would say I low-balled them. And I want to send them an actual low-ball offer because…seriously, a whole 1% discount? So, we both think the other is a jerk. I believe my offer was fair. They could’ve just hit the decline button.
Reverb sellers, if you’re not interested in entertaining offers, then don’t say you accept them. Also, take a look at what things are actually selling for before you list an item. Gear isn’t nearly as much of a seller’s market as it was a couple years ago.