Green Bananas?

So I did my workout earlier today, and, about half way through, I realized I had heartburn. Which doesn’t happen often. So I started looking at what I ate.

Didn’t take long for me to put the numbers together and realize that everytime I eat bananas (which isn’t often) I get heartburn. And that’s just weird to me. So I googled it.

I googled “why do I get heartburn when I eat a banana.” Surprisingly, it had the answer right there in the AI search result at the top of the page. It basically said, “you eat green bananas.” Which isn’t wrong.

I like bananas. With some caveats.

If the banana is old enough to have spots on it, it’s too old. If they’re like that, they’re too sweet. They’re also too mushy. I’m not eating those.

If they’re all yellow, although yellow is my favorite color, they’re still a bit mushy for my taste and a little too sweet. But I’ll eat them if I’m desperate for a banana.

But, if they’re green, I’ll grab one every time. The greener the better. As I told Mrs Snarf earlier today, they’re the best when they’re so green that they have a bit of a snap when you bite into them. That’s, also, when they’re still so green that they don’t easily peel. That’s when they’re perfect!

Today’s was green, but it wasn’t so green that it had that snap. Well, all of it except the last couple of bites. And those last couple of bites were the best banana I’ve had since the last green banana I ate.

Also, Mrs Snarf says I eat bananas backwards. I eat them from the bottom to the top. I saw a vid of a monkey eating one that way, and that’s how they ate. It just kind of made sense to me. The stem is kind of a handle. You peel it backwards so toss that little bit at the bottom that no one eats up front. And it’s easier to peel it starting with that bottom end…you just kind of pinch it and it splits open. It’s just the better way to do it.

Bananas. Not my absolute favorite fruit, but definitely my top 3. At least they are when they’re green.

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