Am I a Nobel guitar player?

Every time I hear someone play an ODR-1, I dig it. It’s just a really good sounding pedal! I had somehow missed until a couple years ago that it was something of a Nashville staple pedal. Back in like 2021, I had a guitar buddy that had one, and he loaned it to me. I …

Squier vs Fender

I have several Squiers. I have several Fenders. They’re both good companies. They both make good guitars. Brief history. My most recent Squier and my most recent Fender have both been Telecasters. And both were purple. One was a Squier Classic Vibe 50s Tele. The other was a Fender Road Worn 50s Tele. I had …

My New Epiphone ES-355 – After 6 Weeks with It

I’ve had that Epiphone 1959 ES-355 for about 6 weeks now. In fact, I think it was an even 6 weeks yesterday. I think that’s plenty of time to get past the honeymoon period with it and be a little more objective about what I do and don’t like about it. So here’s my 6-week …