
Seriously?!? Another blog about guitars and crap?? Well, it’s not completely new. I just changed webhosts and am starting over.

So why another blog about guitars, gear, and whatever other crap I talk about? Mostly to feed my need to write and talk about stuff. Over the years I have found that I really like to write about stuff, and this will let me continue to do that. I really don’t expect this to take off and be read by more than a couple of people, and, when I say a “couple of people” I actually mean me when I write it and me when I read it after it’s posted. That counts as two right?

I’ll post stuff whenever I feel like it. It might be once a week or it might be once a month. Heck, it might even be once a year. The posts will mostly be about guitars and gear, but I might occasionally post something about my other interests like Moab or my little patio garden.

If anyone stumbles upon the blog and happens to actually read it, I hope they enjoy it. I don’t care whether their enjoyment comes from it being smart and informative or they find it the rantings of a crazy person and walk off thinking better of themselves for being the superior person. Either way, I hope it makes them smile, and it’d be nice if they left a comment and let me know they like what I say or think I’m an absolute and total idiot.

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