I spend too much time on Reddit. A lot of what I look at is guitar and pedal related. Some of the types of posts that you see there seem to be cyclical. And I’ve noticed a certain type of post is taking its turn again. And I hate them. Occasionally, I’m sure some of …
Tag Archives: Totally My Opinion
Green Bananas?
So I did my workout earlier today, and, about half way through, I realized I had heartburn. Which doesn’t happen often. So I started looking at what I ate. Didn’t take long for me to put the numbers together and realize that everytime I eat bananas (which isn’t often) I get heartburn. And that’s just …
More Reverb Silliness
More dumb stuff on Reverb this week. And, yes, I get that this is an old man yelling at the clouds moment. Neeways… There’s a pedal that I have been trolling on Reverb. I want one. For the right price. I’m not paying new prices for a used pedal. Honestly, it’s not that popular of …
What Makes a Ford a Chevy
I was cruising the interwebs today, and I saw something that made me laugh out loud. Some person, somewhere, was talking about their 2007 Fender Standard Stratocaster. They were wanting to sell it, and they were asking how much folks thought they could get for it. Thing is, right there in their first line, it …
What makes it big?
I had an old-man-yelling-at-clouds moment this morning. That said, I’ve had this same thought, in the same situation, for years. This one was a little different though. The thought over the years is that I laugh at folks posting pics of their pedal board that will have 10 or 12 of the small, nano-sized pedals …
Using the PodGo
Two or three years ago I took in a box full of pedals to my local GC to trade. I don’t guess it was quite a box full, but it was 7 or 8. It was by and large a bunch of Klones and TS-type that I had never used after I tried them out …
Lego Advent Calender – 2024 Edition
So the 2024 Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar has reached its end today. And, in my humble, but most accurate, opinion, it is… THE BEST ONE YET!!! The advent calendars always seem to have some sort of theme. This year, it seemed to me to be a throwback to a lot of the original Lego …
So I won the lottery this year. But it’s not like I get to retire. Every year since whenever it was they started them (like 2012 or whenever it was), I have tried to get in on the Premier Guitar Mystery Stocking deal. For me, it’s a fun little thing to do. I send them …
Black Friday Deals
There are a LOT of Black Friday deals out there. And, since T-day isn’t even until next week, there are more of them coming. I almost always end up picking something new up between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Most of the time, it’s the Cyber Monday deals that get me. This year, I’ve already …
Anti-social Media
The election is finally over. Thank the Maker! But that hasn’t kept one side from gloating and the other side from crying big ol’ crocodile tears. And, truthfully, no matter how this election would’ve ended, I don’t believe the noise from it will be over for months. But I digress. Today I wanted to make …